Now you can Earn AIR MILES® reward miles
AIR MILES® is one of the best ways to get rewards in Canada! Earn 1 AIR MILES® reward mile per $40 pre-tax on your Hot Tub or Swim Spa purchase. Check back from time to time to get the most updated offers and view our featured hot tubs and promotions! AIR MILES® reward miles are…
Read MoreHot tub Accessories
Now is the perfect time to get you hot tub ready for enjoyment all year long! Bud’s Spas & Pools carries an extensive line of hot tub accessories to make your hot tub easy to enjoy. Visit our showroom to see what’s available: Cover lifters allow you to remove your hot tub cover single-handed! Hot…
Read MoreReplacement Pool & Hot Tub Filter Cartridges
Dirty filters are the number one contributor to a cloudy, dirty hot tub! Dirty filters in a pool can decrease equipment performance and inhibit heater function. Every filter has a lifespan! Some filters are designed to be disposable, but the one’s sold by Bud’s Spas & Pools are intended to have a life! Rinse your…
Read MoreMineraluxe Advanced Hot Tub Water Care
Tired of complicated potions, soaking in chemical soup and feeling like you need a degree in chemistry just to own a hot tub? We’ve got something better. Many of our clients have already switched to Mineraluxe for their hot tub water care. It’s the easiest care system we’ve seen and your water will never look…
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