11 beautiful pools
for small yards

Yes, a pool can fit in your small yard, and these 11 gorgeous examples prove it. From plunge pools and small fiberglass pools to tiny concrete pools and swim spas, there’s a material and design to fit your budget, family and space. At the expensive end there’s small fiberglass and concrete pools. More affordable swim spas leave more of your budget for landscaping…and throwing that perfect party.

Photo: decoist.com
Photo: decoist.com

The square shape of this plunge pool echoes the geometry of this modernist home, while the concrete of the pool is a nice contrast to the warmth of the wood cladding.

Photo: futuristarchitecture.com
Photo: futuristarchitecture.com

A Swim Spa Is The Perfect Pool For Narrow Yards

A long, narrow yard is divided into different living and activity areas with this layout. The pool steps are the width of the pool, which is practical and creates a visual rhythm that complements the rest of the geometry of the yard.

Photo: futuristarchitecture.com
Photo: futuristarchitecture.com

This “yard” feels more like a balcony with the small square pool as the focal point. Bench seating beside the pool gives it the feeling of furniture—can’t you hear the pillows calling your name?

Photo: tjihome.com
Photo: tjihome.com

This small pool in a short, wide yard gives the homeowners room for a separate seating area. Different “flooring” (grass, decking, interlocking pavers) create distinct areas for different purposes (playing, lounging, eating and conversing).

Photo: toplandscapedesign.com

Lighting makes this pool a dramatic feature in this small yard. Half walls create a sense of privacy without making a small space feel boxed in.

Photo: Hydropool [swim spa]
Photo: Hydropool [swim spa]

This 16-foot Hydropool swim spa is installed like an inground pool, but (unlike a pool) it can be enjoyed year-round. Swim spas are designed specifically to fit in any size yard.

Photo: www-architectureartdesigns-com.cdn.ampproject.org
Photo: www-architectureartdesigns-com.cdn.ampproject.org

The pool is the focal point of this small yard, with water features and lounge seating creating a peaceful, relaxing atmosphere. The brick wall keeps all activity on two sides of the pool, which controls traffic flow and distinguishes between different functional areas of the small yard.

Photo: futuristarchitecture.com
Photo: futuristarchitecture.com

Private & Elegant Small Pool

You can squeeze a plunge pool between two walls. Added bonus: no grass to cut. The filigreed privacy wall adds visual interest and creates a feeling of lightness—plus it’s a great place for a vine. In a small yard, think vertical!

Photo: tjihome.com
Photo: tjihome.com

This shallow, wide yard is little more than a pool. The architectural fountains make the pool a visually arresting feature when viewed from inside the house.

Photo: Hydropool [swim spa]
Photo: Hydropool [swim spa]

The least expensive way to install a pool is above ground. This simple pergola adds visual interest and gives the feeling that the swim spa is lower than it actually is. Ditto for the deck, which makes it feel like the swim spa has been partially sunk into the ground. Get details on this 14-foot Hydropool swim spa

Photo: bonicklandscaping.com
Photo: bonicklandscaping.com

"Grow" Your Small Space

The plantings around the pool in this small yard give the feeling of an oasis. One wall of the pool has been curved. This introduces an organic feeling to what would otherwise be a very angular pool design and complements the informal garden design.

Check out all the benefits of a
swim spa for your small yard

Read our Swim spa guide

Now you've seen both pools and swim spas it's time to find out which one's the best for you.

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